Elmac Spyder (1969 – 1971) Genre: Eclectic with a mix of rock and blues with some jazz influences courtesy of Spencer Barton (a student of the late, great Gary Beck). The band was noted for its arrangements of cover tunes, sometimes in a quite different style. Base Location: Eugene, Oregon Members: Gordon Scott (lead vocals, harp) also in Seventh Resemblance … [Read more...]
Spencer Barton
Here is a list of bands that Spencer Barton played in.
Dynamo (1966-1970) Dynamo aka: Sir Phillip and the Merry Men, The Merrymen Base Location: Eugene, Oregon Genre: Rock, R&B, Blues Band Members: Spencer Barton Carl Best (lead guitar) Chris Bradford (drums) Jim Fischer (keyboards) Mike Hathaway Phillip Lueschel (bass) Charlie Washburn (lead guitar) Gary Williams (saxophone, vocals) David ? … [Read more...]