The Stumble was the 3rd evolution of the Seventh Resemblance Blues Band.
Active Years: Summer of 1969-1970
Genre: Garage Rock
Base Location: Eugene, Oregon
Evolution of the Band
- Gordon Scott and the Seventh Resemblance Blues Band (1965-1966)
- Seventh Resemblance Blues Band (1966-1968)
- The Stumble (1969-1970)
Original Members
- Rob Anderson – Guitar, Vocals (also in Seventh Resemblance Blues Band)
- Gary Beck – Lead Guitar, Vocals (also in Seventh Resemblance Blues Band)
- Scott Murdock – Piano, Vocals
- Randy Crawford – Bass (also in Hammond Typewriter)
- Clark Lynch – Drums, Vocals (also in Little John & The Monks, Gordon Scott and the Seventh Resemblance Blues Band)
Stumble #2 Members
- Rob Anderson – Guitar, Vocals (also in Seventh Resemblance Blues Band)
- Gary Beck – Lead Guitar, Vocals (also in Seventh Resemblance Blues Band)
- Scott Murdock – Piano, Vocals
- David Olson – Bass
- Clark Lynch – Drums, Vocals (also in Little John & The Monks, Gordon Scott and the Seventh Resemblance Blues Band)

Comments From the Band Members
“I came back in ’69 and we re-formed as The Stumble, but broke up after about a year. This was Clark on drums, Gary on guitar, Scott Murdock on piano and Randy on bass in the beginning, followed by David Olson. Gordon died in 1993 and Gary in 2011. Clark Lynch is still in Eugene, playing with The Cheeseburgers with Don Ross.” -Rob Anderson, May 2016
“The last band I was in before I was drafted in November of ’66 was Gordon Scott and The Seventh Resemblance. When I got out of the Army, I quickly connected with the guys again and Gary Beck, Rob Anderson, and Randy Crawford, who were still with Gordon Scott, wanted to break away from Gordon. We did that and “The Stumble” was formed with just the four of us. A short time after we formed, Randy Crawford left the band to work for Outward Bound as a rock climbing instructor. So “The Stumble” #2 was formed.” -Clark Lynch, February 2011 (Source: PNW Bands)

“We lost Gary Beck a few weeks ago. Gary was about the best guitar player I ever met and played with in my life. Our bands included what was originally “Gordon Scott and The Seventh Resemblance Blues Band,” later to become “The Seventh Resemblance” 1966-1967 and after my military duty, “The Stumble” 1969. Gary Beck should have been and still should be in the Oregon Music Hall of Fame. Rest in Peace Gary (The Becker) Beck.” -Clark Lynch, November 2011 (Source: PNW Bands)
David Olson says
Scott Murdock played piano
Gary Gibson says
Hey David— Here is a soul from the past. Think about you and wonder about how you are these days, if you are still in Oregon and where your life’s journey has taken you? I last saw you in 1971, we shared a pitcher of beer at the Mohawk tavern.
Please contact me if you care to.